
Friday 6 August 2021

The Future of This Website

This site was set up in 2014 in Blogger - which back then was a decent blogging software (Wordpress was another). It's fair to say that times have changed, and Blogger (owned by Google) hasn't really kept pace and is now seen as old hat.

On it's own, that isn't a huge issue for a site as simple as this. However, Google have decided to remove email notifications for anyone subscribing to this site - last time I looked there were approximately 1500 subscribers to Live and Loud! and Google should have been sending out regular emails when I update the site (I haven't even seen these so I don't know!) but that will end this month.

I have access to the email addresses of those who have kindly subscribed through the years and am looking into an alternative solution at the moment; maybe just a once a month message letting you know what the latest updates are. Anyone wishing to unsubscribe will of course be free to do - I certainly don't want to end up spamming anyone not interested.

But in the meantime, there may be a hiatus of a month or 2 until that gets started, so if you want to know the latest - bookmark the site, add it as a favourite, or whatever teh terminology is in your browser of choice - and call back again soon!

Bearing in mind the age of the website, early plans are also being put in motion to redesign the site and move it to a different platform and service altogether. That is more a medium term goal - more news on THAT as it develops; in the meantime, the next update in a week or so, should be all about music and a new live restoration!

Cheers all.