Welcome - About Live and Loud!

Live and Loud! began as a fortnightly internet radio show in 2012 taking old unreleased live concert recordings I could find and working to repair and improve them - fixing tape hiss, noise, tape drop out, clicks, speed variations, defects - before improving the sound quality by EQing the sound to bring out the instruments as clearly as possible. These are now made directly available to download for free to reach as many fans of the music as possible.

Depending on the quality of the original recording, these can often be made to sound almost like commercial recordings - but of course I can't guarantee that for every show. What I can guarantee is it will sound far better than the original files available which have been floating around the internet and on bootleg recordings for many years.

Almost all are either "soundboard" recordings (taken directly from the mixing desk used at the gig on the night) or old FM radio recordings. A few gigs, if they are of special historical importance, make an appearance even if they were recorded from the audience - these can also be made to sound better than ever.

Do your ears a favour and listen on headphones or good speakers to get most benefit - laptop speakers will always sound pretty poor by comparison.

All shows still available are listed, including a link to download the remastered show for free. If you want to support the site with a small donation, you can receive the shows as either separate MP3s or FLACs (your choice) - head over to the Rewards for Donations page and see how you can get a lot for very little!

If you want to email me, an email link is in my profile in a link in the side panel.

And finally... These are great fun to listen to but DO NOT replace original releases - support these artists and buy their music.
There is nothing you can go and buy in a regular record store here. If a gig is made available as a regular release, then it will be removed (as a couple have been already).

Thursday 23 December 2021

Show 173: Jean Michel Jarre - Docklands London - 8 October 1988


A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't steal and take the credit. Thanks.

There are several recordings of Jean Michel Jarre at Docklands - including an official release including excerpts of the concert, with edited tracks. There are also 2 different FM radio recordings I know of - both have very strange sound mixes with delay and so on - I can only assume this was an anti piracy measure at the time. Both would be fairly pointless trying to improve. But a listener to Live and Loud! also sent me an audience recording on CD, which he kindly sent to me for appraisal.

It sounded as you might expect a cassette recording at a large outdoor event might sound! Rather thin, overly bright at times, muffled at other times; the music levels were up and down, crowd noise and fireworks sometimes overtaking the music, wind noise. Lots of wind noise. Consequently I spent the longest time I've ever taken on a restoration, splitting the work over several months. Removing booming wind noise alone was a painstaking (and rather boring) manual process that took many hours - but was worth doing as it was very intrusive. It's not gone completely in places but you will not hear 95% of it and now get far more of the music. 

Another thing I noticed in the original recording, which I'd forgotten when I attended the gig myself - there were long pauses sometimes between tracks. So I spared you 6.5 minutes altogether of audience noise and chatter taken from between tracks. Again, not gone completely - it just helps the concert flow better I think. Hopefully you won't always spot the edits!

For an outdoor audience recording I think this one has come up really well; I hope you enjoy it. But bear in mind with such variable sound quality, some tracks inevitably sound clearer now than others - sometimes the fireworks still get in the way and there are a couple of distorted drum hits during Ethnicolor which couldn't be fully fixed -  but it is still a good improvement over the original recording I started with and well worth your time.

So sit back, turn it up...and if you want to recreate the wet and windy 2nd night instead, turn a desk fan on while spraying water onto your face. Job done. ;-)

You can now download this restored show exclusively for free, right HERE as one 320kbps MP3 file.

If you would like to have separate, fully tagged 320kbps MP3s or lossless FLACs of the restoration, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs. Absolutely no obligation to do so of course - you can take the file on this page absolutely for free - but every single donation does go towards this site and domain/storage costs.

Either way, enjoy the show! And if you like this recording, PLEASE spread the news and share the page link to anyone you think might be interested. Many thanks.

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time.

Part 1:Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution: Overture
Industrial Revolution (part 1-3)
Equinoxe 5

Part 2: Swinging 60’s
Computer Weekend
Magnetic Fields II
Oxygene 4
Equinoxe 7
London Kid

Part 3: The 90’s
Third Rendez-Vous
Tokyo Kid
Souvenir of China
Second Rendez-Vous
Fourth Rendez-Vous

Part 4: The Finale
The Emigrant

Friday 3 December 2021

Show 172 - Soft Cell - Live At Hammersmith Palais London - 8 March 1983


A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't steal and take the credit. Thanks.

Soft Cell gig recordings from the early 80s are rarer than hens' teeth, it would seem, so I'm really pleased to finally be able to bring you a restoration of one, thanks to the original copy on cassette being sent to me by a listener. 

This was a fairly clear but quiet and flat audience recording and I'm not convinced this was the complete gig - this is the only setlist I can find but the recording cuts off after Memorabilia with no "goodnight!" or anything, so I assume they played another track or 2 at least.

There were a few things that needed sorting out as best I can - there's a cut in "Insecure...Me?" which I've faded out and in, and  Loving You, Hating Me cuts off rather abruptly and Bedsitter has the beginning chopped off - I guess this is where the tape was turned over back in 1983 - so I've tidied those up too. Also a weird couple of glitches which you won't hear now. And the usual tape dropouts on either the left or right channel that needed fixing. Once all those were done, I got to work on the sound quality with my EQ and other sound tools - far more clarity and "oomph" now, with everything more audible and clear. 

For an audience recording I think this one sounds really good and I am sure all fans of Soft Cell will enjoy this one!

You can now download this restored show exclusively for free, right HERE as one 320kbps MP3 file.

If you would like to have separate, fully tagged 320kbps MP3s or even lossless FLACs of the restoration, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs. Absolutely no obligation to do so of course but every single one does go towards this site, it's costs and the restorations.

Either way, enjoy the show! And if you like this recording, PLEASE spread the news to anyone you think might be interested. I now have a 1984 recording too but the only way I can gauge demand is on page hits and downloads, so please pass on this page link (not the download link) to others if you can! Many thanks.

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time.

Forever the Same
It's a Mug's Game
Soul Inside
Loving You, Hating Me
Baby Doll
The Art of Falling Apart
Purple Haze

Saturday 9 October 2021

Show 171 - OMD - Live At North Stage Theatre Glen Cove - 3 March 1982


A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't just steal it and take the credit (you know who you are). Thanks.

So, another show from OMD - this time from their Architecture and Morality tour of 1981/82. This was a gig labeled as Washington DC 13 February 1982. The only trouble with that is they played Washington on 1 Marsh 1982. And they were in Belgium on 13 February. But as it turns out - this gig was neither of those. I am indebted to the rather excellent OMD Live site for providing the correct venue and date.

This was originally a rather muffled FM recording in mono and has needed a few things - pitch correction, fixing FM noise in places, distortion, some parts that were just overly loud...other parts that just had a very different sound quality to earlier parts... and that was all before I could try and make the recording sound clearer - there's a clip from the original recording in the intro to this one. Anyway, once all those things were fixed, out came the studio toys to make it clearer (that alone took several hours over several days and several listens). But it's a really good performance from Andy in particular - his voice is rather out of control at times on this one, and it makes a great listen.The last few tracks get a little distorted - mostly at the end of The New Stone Age - but I've minimised that as much as possible.

The recording is not quite complete, missing the Architecture and Morality track gig intro, and the last 3 encore songs: She's Leaving, Julia's Song and Stanlow. But it's still a great recording for your collections.

You can now download this restored show exclusively for free, right HERE as one 320kbps MP3 file.

Or, if you would like to have separate, fully tagged MP3s or lossless FLACs, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs. Absolutely no obligation to do so of course but every single one does go towards this site and the restorations.

Either way, enjoy the show!

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time.

The Romance of the Telescope
Pretending to See the Future
Joan of Arc
Motion and Heart
Maid of Orleans
The New Stone Age
Enola Gay
Bunker Soldiers

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Show 170 - Clock DVA - Live in Germany - 1992


A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't steal and take the credit. Thanks.

This was an audience recording sent in by a listener with a request - could I improve it? And in this case, once I'd heard the original WAV file, I thought I could.

Originally an unoffical bootleg recording that has its own entry on discogs, the recording was at least in good condition - no tape dropouts or bits missing, or nasty clicks. So this was purely studio tools - removing some of the reverb from the recording, like I try to do with all audience recordings - that brings more of the band sound back. Then, EQ, compression, other studio tools to improve the stereo image a bit...after several sessions over a few days, this is the result - a clearer, punchier sounding recording.

You can now download this restored show exclusively for free, right HERE as one 320kbps MP3 file.

Or, if you would like to have separate, fully tagged MP3s or lossless FLACs, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs. Absolutely no obligation to do so of course but every single one does go towards this site and the restorations.

Either way, enjoy the show!

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time.

Axiomatic & Heuristic
N.Y.C. Overload
Final Program-Decoded
Final Program
Encore Attend
Sound Mirror
Bitstream Remix
The Hacker

Friday 6 August 2021

The Future of This Website

This site was set up in 2014 in Blogger - which back then was a decent blogging software (Wordpress was another). It's fair to say that times have changed, and Blogger (owned by Google) hasn't really kept pace and is now seen as old hat.

On it's own, that isn't a huge issue for a site as simple as this. However, Google have decided to remove email notifications for anyone subscribing to this site - last time I looked there were approximately 1500 subscribers to Live and Loud! and Google should have been sending out regular emails when I update the site (I haven't even seen these so I don't know!) but that will end this month.

I have access to the email addresses of those who have kindly subscribed through the years and am looking into an alternative solution at the moment; maybe just a once a month message letting you know what the latest updates are. Anyone wishing to unsubscribe will of course be free to do - I certainly don't want to end up spamming anyone not interested.

But in the meantime, there may be a hiatus of a month or 2 until that gets started, so if you want to know the latest - bookmark the site, add it as a favourite, or whatever teh terminology is in your browser of choice - and call back again soon!

Bearing in mind the age of the website, early plans are also being put in motion to redesign the site and move it to a different platform and service altogether. That is more a medium term goal - more news on THAT as it develops; in the meantime, the next update in a week or so, should be all about music and a new live restoration!

Cheers all.

Friday 30 July 2021

Show 169 - Roxy Music - Live At Calderone Theatre Hempstead - 8 March 1976


 A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't just steal it and take the credit. Thanks.

This was an FM recording originally I think - and another of those I found online where the only copy was marked as a "remaster" by someone else from some point in the past. In truth, it was very loud and very muddy and was really tiring to listen to - so much so I had to strip all that out before I could listen to it all the way through to find and fix any faults.

I did that by spending an hour or so using a 30 band EQ which was like taking a clean, dry cloth to a misty window - lots more detail came out - drums, bass, guitar, keyboards, violin, sax, vocals, etc - all far clearer and you can now hear the quality of the band's playing shine through. And it would no longer give you a headache after a few minutes (with apologies to the original remaster-er if he's out there - I guess we have very different tastes).

Fortunately, after the EQ, there were only 1 or 2 small tape dropouts to fix and then I got to work with the studio tools. Noise had been generated by the previous loud mastering, so I gently removed most of that without affecting things much. The EQ had done most of the work, so a final run through with some mastering tools and the job was done.

Really pleased with how this sounds now - for any Roxy fans who have this gig already - try this one, I think (and hope) you will be very pleasantly surprised. You can now download this restored show exclusively for free, right HERE as one 320kbps MP3 file.

Or, if you would like to have separate, fully tagged MP3s or lossless FLACs, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs. Absolutely no obligation to do so of course but every single one does go towards this site and the restorations. 

Either way, enjoy the show! Before you go - check out the other restored Roxy Music show HERE.

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time.

Sentimental Fool
The Thrill Of It All
Love Is The Drug
Mother Of Pearl
Bitter Sweet
Out Of The Blue
Eddie Jobson Solo
Sea Breezes
Both Ends Burning
For Your Pleasure
Diamond Head
Wild Weekend

Friday 16 July 2021

Show 168 - Ultravox - Live At Ole Man Rivers New Orleans - 4 Oct 1980


A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't just steal it and take the credit (yes you, "Ultravox Unofficial"). Thanks.

This is an interesting and lively gig from the still relatively new Ultravox line up, who had released their first single, "Sleepwalk" and album "Vienna" a few months earlier, and were in America and Canada for several months before they they returned to the UK for a tour of larger venues starting in December. 

Some interesting variations on well known songs, a few mistakes (especially in the first few songs) but overall a really strong performance all await... As well as Midge getting a bit stroppy with the house engineer over a lack of monitoring... You will also hear Billy Currie credited at the end as playing "lead keyboards, guitar and violin" - Billy was playing 2nd guitar on the song "Face To Face" (the jangly guitar line - that's him).

Firstly, as always with audience recordings, the ambient room reverb was partially removed to give me more sound to work on. Then, some rebalancing of the stereo image was required, and then I had to remove a really odd noise that appeared loudly in 1 of the first 3 songs, which took a while - completely gone now. After all that, it was onto the studio tools including EQ, to create more space between all the instruments, bring up the sound of the band and tighten up the sound.

Really pleased with how this sounds now - a must for any Ultravox fan, I would say (and I am one). You can now download this restored show exclusively for free, right HERE as one 320kbps MP3 file.

Or, if you would like to have separate, fully tagged MP3s or lossless FLACs, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs. Absolutely no obligation to do so of course. Either way, enjoy the show! 

Also, check out all the OTHER restored Ultravox shows before you go!

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time.

New Europeans
Passing Strangers
Quiet Men
Face To Face
Mr. X
Western Promise
Slow Motion
Hiroshima Mon Amour
All Stood Still
Private Lives
King's Lead Hat

I am indebted on this occasion to someone referenced in the note accompanying the source files for this show simply as "RH", who originally taped this from the audience on the night. For an audience recording, it was far clearer than most (incidentally, you might see this same source elsewhere on British bootleg sites dated "10 April 1980" - that date is wrong, purely down to the American source tape being labeled "10/4/80" - Americans write the month first, not the day - it's definitely October 4, 1980).

Friday 2 July 2021

Show 167 - Dire Straits - Live At Leeds Polytechnic - 30 Jan 1978


A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't just steal it and take the credit. Thanks.

A rather wonderful snapshot of very early Dire Straits, in this soundboard recording taken from a date on the Talking Heads tour of the UK in early 1978, where Dire Straits were support band. The original bootleg I received was dated "31 January 1978" but every source online I found points to this gig actually being on the 30 January, so that's what I've gone with here.

Someone at some point had cleaned this up a little - there was little hiss and "Southbound Again" fades out before the end, with Eastbound Train fading in - but the recording was still unbalanced at times, and quite flat and dull, like most soundboards can be. 

So I got to work on the stereo image, rebalanced that, then got to work improving clarity and punch with EQ and other studio tools. There is now "air" between the guys in the band, so you can hear everything much more clearly, and it sounds far clearer and, well just more "live" and exciting. A little final mastering and the work was done.

You can now download this restored show exclusively for free HERE as 1 MP3 file.

Or, if you would like to have separate tagged MP3s or FLACs, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs. Absolutely no obligation to do so of course. Either way, enjoy the show!

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time.

Southbound Again (fades out)
Eastbound Train
Down To The Waterline
In The Gallery
Water Of Love
Setting Me Up
Me And My Friends
Real Girl
Sultans Of Swing

Saturday 12 June 2021

Show 166 - Alison Moyet - Live At The Dominion Theatre London - 25 Nov 1984


A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't just steal it and take the credit. Thanks.

A first appearance on Live and Loud! for Alison Moyet, in a restored FM recording taken from her first solo tour of the UK in November 1984.

This one was on a cassette sent in by a listener to Live and Loud! Once I'd transferred it, it was obvious there was quite a lot of damage on several songs; tape dropouts, wow and some bad flutter mainly. After a few days' work, it was far better and I could move onto removing the FM recording hiss and then EQ'ing and mastering.

In common with most FM recordings, this is not the full gig and is just under an hour's worth of her live set from the time, backed by a very proficient live band. It is now sounding excellent for the most part - only a few seconds of damage in a couple of songs are still audible. 

You can now download this restored show exclusively for free HERE as 1 MP3 file.

Or, if you would like to have separate tagged MP3s or FLACs, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs. Absolutely no obligation to do so of course. Either way, enjoy the show!

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time.

Love Resurrection
Honey For The Bees
What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted?
Twisting The Knife
That Ole Devil Called Love
Winter Kills
That's The Way Love Is
All Cried Out
Only You
Don't Go

Friday 14 May 2021

Show 165 - Gary Numan - Live At Manchester Apollo - 26 Sept 1979



A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't just steal it and take the credit. Thanks.

Live recordings of Gary Numan from his first national tour in 1979 are few and far between - and those that exist in the public domain (all audience recordings) are very poor quality generally. But thanks to a few donations over the last year or so, I have been able to invest in better software, so I thought I'd have a go at repairing this one - not quite realising just how much time it would take up!

You can hear a snippet of what the BEST of the original recording sounded like in the intro to the show but this one took a lot of work. A brief list of things fixed for this one...All these things listed are now gone, as best as I can so, so don't worry.. ;-)

First thing I did was reduce the hall "reverb" - the show sounded like it was recorded from the back of the hall (or possibly from the toilet in the bar outside the hall...!) and the band were a long way away. It was hissy (of course). Recording levels were low. Bass distortion in places too. It was too fast and high pitched, there were odd gaps, tape dropouts so all the way through the volume was up and down on the left and right channels (not always at the same time), the sound COMPLETELY changing in quality for a couple of seconds...why? No idea...

There were also some random beeps part way through, which had nothing to do with the gig - I can only think whoever transferred this to digital format used demo software that inserted the beeps! There were also a whole bunch of scuffling banging noises - I think the tape recorder was being moved about during the first few songs and the mic was brushing something.

Sadly, the last part of "Bombers" is missing - I guess that's where the tape ran out and needed turning over. Some things I can't restore - rather than it just STOP as it did on the original, I faded it out and back in as it goes into Remember I Was Vapour. And finally - of course, being recorded from a tape recorder in a hall full of people in 1979, it was in mono.

Once all the above was worked on, only THEN did I get to EQ and use the sound improving tools to improve the sound. In all, this was probably the equivalent in man hours of several days work. Working on a show like this there will always be some compromise in the final EQ choices and it was never going to sound as clear as Living Ornaments 79 of course - or even the full Living Ornaments 80 from Manchester (that was originally a soundboard recording, so far clearer source material) but I think you now have an alternative 1979 live show which is finally listenable!

You can now download this restored show exclusively for free HERE as one 320 kbps MP3 file (some phones and tablets have issues downloading the MP3 from the host site so you may need to use a computer).

If you would like to have separate tagged MP3s or FLACs of this show and show your appreciation for the work put in on all these shows on the site, please head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain separated, tagged files these for a very small donation towards the site costs: a full set of MP3s for £2, or lossless FLACs for £5, ready for you to burn to CD if you wish. Absolutely no obligation to do so, of course.  Either way, enjoy the show!

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time. 

Me! I Disconnect From You
You Are In My Vision
Something’s In The House
Everyday I Die
We Are So Fragile
Remember I Was Vapour
On Broadway
The Dream Police
Down In The Park

My Shadow In Vain
Are "Friends" Electric?

2nd Encore

Friday 23 April 2021

Show 164 - Genesis - Live At Wembley Arena - 19 December 1981


A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't just steal it and take the credit. Thanks.

A first appearance on Live and Loud! for Genesis, in a restored live audience recording taken from one of the last dates of their Abacab tour of 1981 at Wembley Arena.

Originally a vinyl triple album bootleg, the files I acquired were a direct transfer (in lossless FLAC format) from that. And pretty quiet. And noisy. And not the clearest recording I've ever heard, if I'm honest! I could write a small book on what I did with this one but I will spare you the gory details and summarise...

Vinyl crackle was very loud, recording level of the music was pretty low...crackle removed.
It was an audience recording from an arena, so lots of reverb...so that meant reducing the reverb ambience and ensuring the music levels were louder so I could work on them.
Recording levels were up and down all the way through...so I tried to increase the low levels as much as possible and even out the tape dropouts where they appear, without sounding like it was compressed or limited too much. It's now far better in that regard but not perfect. The perils of automatic recording levels back in the day, I guess. Ssssome pretty bad sssSSSibilance too in places...I did what I could to tone that down.

Eventually I had a sound file to get to work on, with EQ and other studio toys to clear up the muddy sound, bring out some details and dynamics where I could and generally make it a nicer listening experience.

Do be aware there is a long (and slightly rude) story from Phil Collins before 1 song - I left it in along with all his introductions as they're part of the gig experience - but I only mention it here to say there is part of it missing from the recording. At a guess, maybe this was where someone had to turn the tape over on the night, I don't know. There is also 1 track missing from the set - the last track ("I Know What I Like") wasn't included on the recording.

It will never sound like a crystal clear FM or soundboard recording but it's substantially more listenable - and enjoyable! - now. You can now download this restored show exclusively for free HERE as 1 (rather large - it's around 2 hours) MP3 file.

Or, if you would like to have separate tagged MP3s or FLACs, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs. Absolutely no obligation to do so of course. Either way, enjoy the show!

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time.

Behind The Lines
The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
The Carpet Crawlers
Me And Sarah Jane  
No Reply At All
Cindy Louise (Firth of Fifth intro)
Firth Of Fifth
Man On The Corner  
Who Dunnit?
In The Cage/The Cinema Show/The Colony Of Slippermen
Turn It On Again
Dance On A Volcano  
Drums duet
Los Endos

Friday 9 April 2021

Show 163 - Erasure - Live at Bedgebury Pinetum Cranbrook - 11 June 2011


A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't just steal it and take the credit. Thanks.

"Holy Show Resurrection, Batman!"

Early fans of Live and Loud! may remember an earlier version of this show when Live and Loud! was solely available via internet radio. For various reasons, the show wasn't made available afterwards, or repeated. And wasn't added to the archive (that's this site) when that was set up in 2014.

So it's been lost forever. Until now...

I found it recently in an old set of files and knowing there was interest in hearing an Erasure live show, I could have just uploaded the file, created this page and said "job done". But I didn't - I went back to the show and got to work on it again. 8 years later, I think I'm a bit better at this - and I certainly have better software at my disposal, to make it sound better than it did when I originally did it back in 2013. So that's what I did. And it sounds much better now.

The new version of this full length show is now available to download exclusively for free HERE as 1 MP3 file.

Or, if you would like to have separate tagged MP3s or FLACs, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs. Absolutely no obligation to do so of course. Either way, enjoy the show!

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time.

Breath Of Life
Fingers & Thumbs (Cold Summer's Day)
Heavenly Action
Push Me Shove Me
Ship Of Fools
Victim Of Love
Chains Of Love
Save Me
Love To Hate You
Blue Savannah
Knocking On Your Door
Who Needs Love Like That
Oh L'Amour
A Little Respect

Friday 5 March 2021

Show 162 - The Human League - Live At Bar 2 Sheffield - 12 June 1978

A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't just steal it and take the credit. Thanks.

The first live recording made of The Human League for you this time, done at their second ever gig. It recently came to light on YouTube, marked as their first ever show - and wikipedia lists it as such - but according to Martyn Ware  (and he would know) and other sources, it is, in fact, their second. The first gig was also at Psalter Lane Art College but several months earlier - on 16 February 1978. Even so, it's pretty wonderful it's now in the public domain after so long.

The original of this was recorded on a reel to reel tape recorder in a bar, with people milling about talking, getting drinks in, etc - the quality is pretty noisy and not very clear - partly due to THIS version being from a copy of a copy, in mono, and put on YouTube. The guy who originally recorded this still has his stereo original and plans to remaster it himself one day, so this is the best available at the moment. 

For those who are interested in such things, I reduced the room ambience, tape hiss, fixed as many dropouts and changes in volume as I could, then got to work with EQ and other studio toys to bring some clarity back and expand the mono sound a little.

Featuring early versions of some songs that would appear on Reproduction, both sides of their first single Being Boiled, and a couple of tracks that would be consigned to history and remain unreleased at the time, this is a fascinating listen, recorded just days before Being Boiled was finally released by Fast Product. While it was never going to be a crystal clear listen, I hope you enjoy this new version.

The show is now available to download exclusively for free HERE as 1 MP3 file.

Or, if you would like to have separate tagged MP3s or FLACs, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs.Either way, enjoy the show.

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time. 

Year Of The Jet Packs
Dance Like A Star
You've Lost That Loving Feeling
Disco Disaster
The Word Before Last
The Path Of Least Resistance
Being Boiled
Circus Of Death
Blind Youth

My special thanks to Paul Forshaw for allowing me to incorporate his cover design in mine (so much better than I would have done) and also to Peter Needham, who's photos from the gig appear in the cover design and below.

Friday 19 February 2021

Show 161 - The Passions - Live In Amersfoort - 14 July 1981


A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't just steal it and take the credit. Thanks.

A debut to Live and Loud! from The Passions. This show was sent in by a listener - but I can't find the emails telling me who! If it was you, reply to my last email to you and I'll sort you out with separated copies! Thanks.

I'm guessing this was originally broadcast by Dutch FM radio. It was mainly good soundwise except for some tape dropouts and volume dips. And many cases of really bad sibilance. All of these I have tried to fix as well as I could, before then EQing the recording to have it sounding as good as possible. It is crystal clear now, so I hope you enjoy it. 

Unfortunately the final song, The Swimmer, does fade out quite early - well, on the recording I was given, it just gets cut off, but I applied a fade, so the ending doesn't come as a shock!

The show is now available to download exclusively for free here as 1 MP3 file.

Or, if you would like to have separate tagged MP3s or FLACs, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs.

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time.

I Radiate
Bachelor Girls
Oh No, It's You
(Don't Talk To Me) I'm Shy
Someone Special
War Song
Into Night
Alice's Song
The Square
Skin Deep
I'm In Love With A German Film Star
The Swimmer

Friday 29 January 2021

Show 160 - Duran Duran - Live at The Greek Theatre Los Angeles - 27th July 1982


A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't just steal it and take the credit. Thanks.

Another show generously donated by a listener to Live and Loud! He got in touch and asked if I could do something with this show - while I already have a 1982 show from Duran Duran on the archive (here), this one is a bit special, so it's well worth posting up on here.

It's from the last night of the USA leg of their Rio tour and features a version of Anyone Out There you might not have heard before! As an audience recording it wasn't in great shape and unfortunately Hold Back The Rain (a favourite of mine) isn't complete. But I worked on the recording a lot to improve the sound quality and now it gives you more of the feeling of being there at the venue, watching them play. You even get the annoying jerk talking next to you for part of the gig...sorry about that!

And as so often, the sound in the first track isn't quite as good as the rest - sound engineer not quite getting the sound mix right for a few minutes, probably - but after that it warms up nicely.

The show is now available to download exclusively for free here as 1 MP3 file. 

Or, if you would like to have separate tagged MP3s or FLACs, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs.

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time.

Girls On Film
Last Chance On The Stairway
Hungry Like The Wolf
Sound Of Thunder
[Waiting For The] Nightboat
New Religion
Friends Of Mine
Planet Earth
Hold Back The Rain
Careless Memories

Anyone Out There
Girls On Film

Friday 15 January 2021

Show 159: Gary Numan - Live At The Ritz Theatre New York - 26 Oct 1982


A quick request. If you plan on downloading this and putting it on your YouTube channel or your own bootleg page - I don't mind. But a credit to this website where you found it, and a link back to this page would be really appreciated. It helps me gauge which artists are popular - ie more chance of other restorations coming. Don't just steal it and take the credit. Thanks.

Yes, this gig has been done before...but when a friend of mine and listener to Live and Loud! got in touch with a different recording of this show, I took a listen and decided it was WELL worth working on, and replacing the older version with this. Show 88, with over 2200 downloads - and the most popular Gary Numan show I've done so far - is now offline and replaced by this one.

In 1982 Gary Numan spent a year in the USA. While he was there, he went on tour with a unique band; Chris Slade on drums, Pino Palladino on bass, Rob Dean from Japan on guitar and keyboards, Roger Mason and John Webb on keyboards. Recordings of this tour are few and far between - and usually pretty awful quality. Somebody somewhere might still have the original recording the copy I received was taken from - but they ain't sharing if they do! In any case, I doubt without some restoration work it would sound this good...this is the best available recording from that tour being shared out to the world.

It still needed a fair bit of work but was in better basic shape than the source for the previous version was. So after removing hall reverb, lots of studio magic and some final EQ and tweaking...here it is.
The show is now available to download exclusively for free here as 1 MP3 file.

Or, if you would like to have separate tagged MP3s or FLACs, head on over to the Donations tab to see how you can obtain these for a very small donation towards the site costs.

And finally... don't forget to SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE NEWSLETTER so you never miss news on which new gigs are going to be restored and uploaded here; any news will be delivered to your inbox and I guarantee you no spam - and of course you unsubscribe at any time.

This is My House
I, Assassin
Remind Me to Smile
Music for Chameleons
She's Got Claws
Every Day I Die
Down in the Park
White Boys and Heroes
War Songs
We Take Mystery (To Bed)

This Wreckage
We Are Glass