Welcome - About Live and Loud!

Live and Loud! began as a fortnightly internet radio show in 2012 taking old unreleased live concert recordings I could find and working to repair and improve them - fixing tape hiss, noise, tape drop out, clicks, speed variations, defects - before improving the sound quality by EQing the sound to bring out the instruments as clearly as possible. These are now made directly available to download for free to reach as many fans of the music as possible.

Depending on the quality of the original recording, these can often be made to sound almost like commercial recordings - but of course I can't guarantee that for every show. What I can guarantee is it will sound far better than the original files available which have been floating around the internet and on bootleg recordings for many years.

Almost all are either "soundboard" recordings (taken directly from the mixing desk used at the gig on the night) or old FM radio recordings. A few gigs, if they are of special historical importance, make an appearance even if they were recorded from the audience - these can also be made to sound better than ever.

Do your ears a favour and listen on headphones or good speakers to get most benefit - laptop speakers will always sound pretty poor by comparison.

All shows still available are listed, including a link to download the remastered show for free. If you want to support the site with a small donation, you can receive the shows as either separate MP3s or FLACs (your choice) - head over to the Rewards for Donations page and see how you can get a lot for very little!

If you want to email me, an email link is in my profile in a link in the side panel.

And finally... These are great fun to listen to but DO NOT replace original releases - support these artists and buy their music.
There is nothing you can go and buy in a regular record store here. If a gig is made available as a regular release, then it will be removed (as a couple have been already).

Friday 6 August 2021

The Future of This Website

This site was set up in 2014 in Blogger - which back then was a decent blogging software (Wordpress was another). It's fair to say that times have changed, and Blogger (owned by Google) hasn't really kept pace and is now seen as old hat.

On it's own, that isn't a huge issue for a site as simple as this. However, Google have decided to remove email notifications for anyone subscribing to this site - last time I looked there were approximately 1500 subscribers to Live and Loud! and Google should have been sending out regular emails when I update the site (I haven't even seen these so I don't know!) but that will end this month.

I have access to the email addresses of those who have kindly subscribed through the years and am looking into an alternative solution at the moment; maybe just a once a month message letting you know what the latest updates are. Anyone wishing to unsubscribe will of course be free to do - I certainly don't want to end up spamming anyone not interested.

But in the meantime, there may be a hiatus of a month or 2 until that gets started, so if you want to know the latest - bookmark the site, add it as a favourite, or whatever teh terminology is in your browser of choice - and call back again soon!

Bearing in mind the age of the website, early plans are also being put in motion to redesign the site and move it to a different platform and service altogether. That is more a medium term goal - more news on THAT as it develops; in the meantime, the next update in a week or so, should be all about music and a new live restoration!

Cheers all.


  1. Hey mate :) I come here every update. How and why ? 1st because it's great and I thank you for this ! 2nd because I've subscrided to your RSS feed in a feedreader website (feedly or whatever). That's how I know there's something to see. Hope it'll help you ;)

    1. Hey, thanks for following the site! From what Google have said, the feed should keep working - its only the emails disappearing. So they say! I guess we'll see!
